Saturday, September 06, 2008

Prunes & the Puyallup Fair

Our poor little Abby has had some trouble going potty since starting solid foods, so daddy picked up some prunes the other night. Surprisingly, our picky eater (yes-she hates avocados now and apples and merely tolerates rice cereal and bananas) liked the prunes and eurika! they worked. These next two pictures demonstrate just how quickly Abby can go from happy to very unhappy. They were taken one right after the other, maybe 5 seconds apart.

Yesterday we went to the opening day of the Puyallup Fair with some of Avery's best buddies. Despite what it looks like in the pictures, Avery REALLY loved the rides. She also went on the carosel, a tiger roller coaster, visited the petting farm, had her first elephant ear, and saw her first parade. It was a good day and she gets to do it all again today because Grandma & Auntie Megan wanted to take her as well. Lucky girl!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Latest Pics

Marshall built our puppy, Gracie, a dog house. Avery loves playing in it too! She helped Marshall paint it and ended up painting Gracie as well!

We recently became members of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. Here's Avery feeding the goats in the petting zoo. Her favorite animals at the zoo include the walrus, beluga whales, & sea horses. She's always sad when it's time to go home.
Little Miss Abby (or Abby Doodle as she is so fondly called) is starting to crawl, says "dadadadadada,"and is as difficult to read as ever. She's like a Lamborghini-goes from 0 to 60 in seconds. She has super happy moments and super unhappy moments. A dear friend told me that she thinks Abby will be a world leader because she knows what she wants and will accept nothing less! At her 6 months check up she was 15 lbs 6 oz and 25.5 inches long-just slightly above the 50% percentile on both height and weight.
Believe it or not they both REALLY like each other! Avery likes to hold Abby's hand, give her kisses, and play with her on the floor. No one can make Abby smile like Avery does. Abby thinks Avery's the best! Wouldn't it be great if they always love each other this much?!