Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mom says I'm so cute she can barely stand it! BTW, my two bottom front teeth are just barely sticking out. I haven't been too bothered by it though. Posted by Picasa
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hi everyone! Here's the latest with me. I am 7 1/2 months old and mommy is having a hard time with the fact that I'm growing up. I'm working on some teeth, but none have popped in yet. I want to crawl, but rolling is so much easier, so I just roll to whatever I want. I've been known to roll across entire rooms to get something that catches my eye. I babble a lot and daddy thinks I'm saying his name, but "Dadadadadadada" is just really easy for me to say. I can feed myself little bits of bread and such. I'm weighing in at almost 20 lbs. and am about 28" long. I'm still a very happy baby, but I now know that there are people called strangers and I don't like smiling at them as much as I do the people I know. :) Posted by Picasa
Nope, I'm not gonna smile for you mom. Posted by Picasa
Huh? Posted by Picasa
This finger's delicious. Mmmmm. Posted by Picasa
It's jammie time! Posted by Picasa
My daddy's the best! Posted by Picasa
I like peas!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I love my excersaucer!!! Posted by Picasa
I have a new girl friend! Baby Emily was born on Saturday and is sooo tiny compared to me. I'm excited to have playdates with her. Posted by Picasa