Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hey, look at me! I'm camping! Mom and dad decided to introduce me to the world of camping at 12 weeks old. We had a great time! Grandpa, grandma, Auntie Megan and our friends the Cynkars were all there. Mom and dad bought a gigantic tent so I could sleep of so comfortably in my pack n' play. I was such a good girl-I sleep through the night both nights we were there. I'm still getting the hang of sleeping through the night at home. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. Mommy can't wait 'til I do ALL the time. :) Posted by Picasa
My first visit to the ocean! I was nice and snug in my Baby Bjorn on mommy's chest. Posted by Picasa
Me & grandma playing at our campsite. Posted by Picasa
Here's grandpa and me camping. I'm wearing a lovely onesie that he made me that says, "HELP! My grandpa doesn't change diapers!" And it's true-he doesn't! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My poppy and mimi moved to Seattle! Now I can see them lots and lots! Posted by Picasa
I like to stick my tongue out. My daddy taught me and now I do it all the time! Posted by Picasa
There's my tongue again! Posted by Picasa
And again! Posted by Picasa
My favorite activity-smiling! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here are some pictures of my room. My mommy painted those letters on the wall for me! Posted by Picasa
See the picture on the wall? My Auntie Megan painted that for me! Posted by Picasa
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This is my favorite toy in the whole wide world!!! I could play here all day! That thingy hanging from the top in the middle is a star that has a smiley face and lights and plays music. I love my star! Posted by Picasa
What? Why are you interrupting me?  Posted by Picasa
I like to kick and stretch and kick! Posted by Picasa
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Ahh, this is the life! Posted by Picasa
Mommy & I like to snooze together after my 6am feeding.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 14, 2006

Peace out man! Posted by Picasa
Hey guys! Not much new here-we're all doing grrreat! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hey guys! How's everyone? We're good here now that I've gotten over my fussiness from my four shots I got at my 2 month check-up. Boy, did I cry when I got those shots! And Mommy almost cried with me. The doctor said I am 12lbs 9.5oz (the 75th percentile) and 24.25" long (the 90-95th percentile). He said if I stay in the same percentile for height I will be 5'9" or 5'10" when I grow up. Mommy's a bit jealous. I hope you are all well. XOXOXO  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hey! I'm talking to you! Posted by Picasa