Thursday, August 14, 2008

We love Veggie Tales (from a distance only though)

Avery has had a Veggie Tale obsession for quite a while now. I think Larry the Cucumber qualifies as her first crush! We heard the characters were going to be at a book store not too far away, so we had to visit. Apparently, Avery was not at all impressed. In fact, she was really scared of them! She would wave from a distance, but would start to cry when we got closer. After about 45 minutes, she warmed up enough so we could take a picture, but I had to hold her and she still was scared. And after all that, the person who took the picture didn't wait until we were in focus. Oh well! I still had fun at least! We're going to Veggie Tales live next month-hopefully we'll be far enough away that she'll enjoy it. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Abby's first meal & other random pics

Well, I swore up & down that Abby would not be eating solids until she was 6 months old. True to Abby's nature, she had other ideas. Daddy thought she looked mighty interested in his avocado, so he gave her some. She was mighty upset when she only got one bite. She ended up eating 1/3 of an avocado. My little baby's growing up! (BTW, I only have 2 more weeks to go until she's 6 months, so not too bad.)

Hey! I'm talking to you!!!

What a smile. :)

Avery, with our chocolate lab puppy, Gracie. (Who, by the way, is sooo much bigger than that now!)


Yummy avocados!

Hello Again

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been so long since the last post. We've had a lot going on in the last few months. Most of you probably already know, but Marshall's mom unexpectedly passed away on July 1st. We are so glad we were able to see her and for the girls to meet her just a month before her death. We are confident that she is with Jesus now and is completely whole. We love you Mom/Grand-T!