Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Latest with the Meyer Fam

Life sure is busy these days! I'm lucky if I get to even check my e-mail, let alone post anything. :) We're doing well. Abby is growing and growing. She's smiling and cooing, which makes the challenging times bearable. She has been a bit more difficult than Avery. She has her fussy time every night and doesn't always sleep well at night. But, I think we're on the path to better days because she slept through the night on Monday!!! I woke up at 5:30am and realized that she hadn't made a peep and then ran into her room to check on her. All was fine and then I went back to bed for another hour. Yay! Avery is getting to be such a big girl! She counts to 6, knows most of her colors and shapes, and is starting to recognize some of her letters. She has an amazing memory too-she remembers things we have done or seen only once and then proceeds to talk and talk about it. She's made a ton of friends in our neighborhood (there are kids everywhere here!) and at church. It's so sweet to see her with them. Marshall and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary last month and sent the kids to Grandpa and Grandma's for the night. Oh, we needed that! It was so nice to spend husband and wife time instead of mommy and daddy time. We've made a deal to go on a date at least once a month if not more. Here are the latest pics. Enjoy!

Easter Sunday

Could I look any more like my daddy?
Playing in the pool