Friday, June 20, 2008

Avery's Brush with the Law

Things are definitely getting more interesting in the Meyer Household the older Avery gets. This morning I was upstairs putting lotion on Abby after her bath. I had the gate across the stairs and Avery was running around upstairs playing with various toys. I then heard the phone in my bedroom beeping like it had been left off the hook. I went to investigate and sure enough Avery had been playing with it. I put the phone back on the receiver and went about my day. We went downstairs and I got Avery her breakfast and I started nursing Abby. Then the doorbell rings. It's about 8:30am and I'm wondering who could be at the door. I figure it's probably a solicitor and go on nursing Abby. (She can be a fussy eater, so when things are going well I don't dare disturb her!) After I'm done nursing Abby I go to the door to see if whoever it was left anything on the doorstep. Imagine my surprise to see a police car sitting in the driveway!!! Apparently they had received a 911 call from our house. When they tried to call back to check on us the line was busy, so they sent an officer out to make sure we were ok. I assured the officer we were fine and that somehow my two-year-old had dialed 911. She suggested I give Avery a toy phone to play with instead of a real one. HA! Avery has several toy phones, but the real ones always win. Anyway, I think I'll be moving all my phones out of her reach.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It's Avery's 2nd B-day!

We had Avery's 2nd b-day party on Saturday. She is obessed with Veggie Tales, so we threw her a Veggie Tale party. She had a blast! It's hard to believe how quickly time has gone and how grown up our little girl is. We are lucky to have such a sweet, funny, smart, and loving little girl as our daughter. We love you Avery!

Trip to Texas and Oklahoma

We visited Marshall's family in Texas and Oklahoma a few weeks ago. It was the first time they all got to meet Avery & Abby. It was a really special trip. Avery loved getting to play with everyone's dogs. Here she is with Marshall's cousin, Marcy's dog, Daisy.

Here's Avery and Marshall's Grandma Meyer

Abby and Marshall's Grandpa Upton

My two cute girls!

Abby & Marshall's Grandma Barb

Marshall & his brother, Zech

The whole fam-Zech Jr. (our nephew), Arianna (Zech Jr.'s sister), Zech Sr., Stephanie (Zech Jr. & Arianna's mom), Abby, Lindsey, Grand T (Marshall's mom), GG Jo (Marshall's Grandma), Marshall & Avery.

Zech Jr & Avery giving hugs.

Zech Sr. & Zech Jr.